20% Project —Week 6

This week I started my trifold. I colored and cut out an F1 inspired start line and added my title, “F1 Lego Recreation” My struggles were making the tittle right because I knew I couldn’t erase it. I finished the title and the F1 inspired racetrack, my plan is to add a racetrack around the tri-fold to add some theme to it. I am going to creat the start line out of paper, and the go light, and other stuff out of Lego. I will not make an entire track because I will not have enough time but i will also add some viewers on the sideline. I have struggled coming up with ideas lately but I am happy with the F1 idea. I will keep working on my tri-fold next week and to continue. Next week specifically I will start the track on my tri fold. Thank you for keeping up with my project.

My Mom

My mom is very hard working. My Mom is a second grade teacher and works very hard to teach them. Second graders can get very noisy but she still finds a way to be a great teacher. At home, my Mom makes most of the meals (with help from my dad) and works very hard to keep the house clean. My Mom is also good with her family. She is always helping out her parent and supporting them, and she also helps her siblings with stuff. During Christmas time, my mom hosts Christmas Eve with her side of the family and it is always set up well and is always a great time. These reasons are why my Mom is such a great mom and that she needs to be acknowledged for her hard working.

Rad Reading — April

This month I read the book Diary Of A Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney. This book is about Greg and his family going on a roadtrip. Greg and his family face many problems such as losing their phones credit cards, and even car keys. The Heffleys also run into this family called the Beardos. The Beardos are the ones who took all of there car keys, phones, and credit cards while at the water park they also win a pig that they have to deal with that also causes many problems. The Heffelys have a very adventurous road trip.

Why did I like this book? I liked this book because it is very funny. There is so many funny things such a when water falls through there sunroof on both of Gregs brothers, where Greg goes to the veterinarian, and when Mrs Heffely puts Gregs little brother Manny on a leash. I also liked this book because there are many problems such as losing there stuff, having a broken sunroof, losing most of there clothes after putting it in the boat that they were trailering around and had to pick some of there stuff of the street, although throughout all of this, the family still finds a way to get through things and have a great experience as a family and look on the bright side.

My favorite character of this book is Greg. Greg is the middle child so he does not get much on trips like these. Manny eats his cookies that he packed and Rodrick took his sleeping spot at the hotel as well as putting his stinky socks and shoes. But through all of that he still finds a way to have a great time on the trip. Greg is put in the back of the car with all of the stuff and is uncomfortable but he finds a way to make things better and he always looks on the bright side. This is why Greg is my favorite character.

My favorite quote is “There were little holes in the comforter and pillows that I’m pretty sure were cigarette burns” this quote shows how tough the Heffelys have it. There hotel was terrible but they still work through it and make things work through there hardships. This is just one of the many reasons on how the Heffelys are so persistent and always find the best in things in a situation even though they are in a bad situation.

20% Project — Week 5

Today is one of the most successful days. Today I have finished the Porsche. I have tested it out I had very little problems and have figured out how the car works. You have to put the back red switch up and then if you push it down the car will go decently far. While building my strategies thankfully worked so I am perfectly fine with no finger pain. Next week I will start the second car. The second car is smaller and will take less time. This second car is also lego technic and will be based on the same thing. I will also try and start the third car which is also a monster truck and will be relatively the same as the second car. Here is some photos of the finished Lego Technic Formula 1 Porsche 99X electric car. Thank you for keeping up with my 20% project.

20% Project Week 4

This week I faced multiple more problems such as finger pain and strain. I found out how to solve these problems. Simply just take a break. I drunk some water and swapped to a different piece and that helped with the pain. I had an only 30 minutes to work on it so I didn’t progress that far but I still finished the other side of the car. I am at the point where I am adding on the outside of the car and all of the panels. Stickers are also difficult to put on but if I line it up correctly I can get it on right. Next time I will work on the car even more and use these new found strategies to achieve success. I believe that I can finish the second car with this pace, if I keep it up I will be able to maybe even start a third car.

20% Project — Week 3

This week I worked on the set even more and have been sorting the smaller pieces. Sorting the smaller pieces is very helpful because I know where they are and I can immediately start building and adding the pieces so no time is waisted finding pieces. I am halfway done with the set and am starting bag 2. I am facing some more troubles like the same as last weeks like fingers hurting but I am using the strategies such as not using as much force or trying a different side to put in the smaller connection parts. Right now I am adding the outside layers such as seen on the car in the photo. I am trying different pieces but the same piece because sometimes they don’t work for some reason. Thank you for keeping up with my 20% project. Next week I will continue the second half of the car.

The Best Part of my House

The best part of my house is my backyard. I love my backyard because it has a lacrosse net and rebounder so I can practice lacrosse with my friends. I also like my pool for hot days and hanging out. In my backyard I also have some palm trees so it makes the entire yard look Hawaiian. The bright green grass also make it look very vibrant. We have an overhang for lunches and a little break from swimming and playing sports. I also have a TV there so you can watch anything you want. Right next to my backyard is a fridge is where you can get some popsicles. These are the reasons on why I love my backyard.

20% Project — Week 2

This week I started to build my car. I had already started it last week at home with my mother. I was very excited to start this project and faced many struggles such as finger pain from the pieces and some of the pieces would not go in the right spots. I also got finger pain from taking some of the pieces out from putting them in the wrong places. I am going to have to look at the diagrams carefully and use less force on the pieces so my fingers will not hurt. I am almost halfway done with the car and have sorted all of the smaller pieces. Next Friday I will continue the first half and even start the second and I will have to resort all of the new pieces. The lego car has many precise placement so they fit just right so I will have to be careful to not put things in the wrong spots.


Over spring break I went to Salt Lake City, Utah. There i saw many cool mountains, rocks and colorful scenery on the way there. I went with my cousins uncle and aunt who are experts on this trip. On the trip i tried new fast foods such as Swig and Culver’s. Culver’s is a burger place with different variations of ice cream, and swig is a fun soda place where they combine sodas with other drinks, such as, sprite, blue raspberry, and lemonade. While in Utah, we needed a place to stay, so we got an airbnb with a basement which was kind of cool. We went skiing for three days at different skiing resorts and we ran, or should I say skied into some problems. We ran into this black diamond (pro skiing level) and we had to walk with our skies uphill. I had some falls where my skies would fall of but my aunt would help me get them back on. My cousin goes to the university of Utah and it was very cool seeing what the campus looked like and it was cool seeing him after a while. It was nice exploring a new state and I am very happy I could go.