Optimistic quote

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times when one only remembers to turn on the light. – Dumbledore. This is a very inspirational quote and the meaning is beautiful. This quote is saying how happiness can be found in the darkest of times. He is trying to tell people to always be optimistic all the time. The last part that says when one only remembers to turn on the light, that means for you to realize how things could be worse and how you can look up at the good things in the situation. Sometimes you just have to asses the situation and look up and be optimistic. You will never know what person will turn on the light for you.

My Hero

For my hero I chose Robert Downey JR, Robert Downey JR is my favorite actor and is very funny, He always goes off the script and adds more details to the story and makes the movies more fun. One of the things he does is add food to the set or scenes, like in Ironman 2 he adds a box of donuts while sitting on a donut sign. It is these little things that make hi acting so great. For my second reason I’m going to put on his role as Ironman. I appreciate him as the role and it has really helped my childhood. He is my favorite superhero actor and could not imagine anyone else as the role. The way he goes off script is perfect and really adds depth to the scenes and storyline. For my third and final reason i will pick on how his carrier changed. Robert Downey JR was seen as a criminal and went in jail for a bit. But he never gave up and changed. He left is past behind him and pursuit his acting career, he then went on to be one of the greatest and most iconic actors of all time. This shows to never give up and follow your dreams because you could end up, like Robert Downey JR.


Trying new things is important in life because then you’ll never know what you’re good at, like lacrosse. If I never tried new things, and discovered it. I now like lacrosse and it is my favorite sport. This is why trying new things is important. Because you could find something your good at. My second reason is the experience’s. Experiences can be fun and memorable like hiking or swimming. You should always do something new if you have the chance because when you’re older you might not be able to. It might be something you like and want to do again. My third reason is fun. Sometimes things can be not fun but you will have to adventure and take the chance. When you try something new, it’s fun and you like it, you should pursue it. Doing fun things are mostly adventurous and being adventurous is good and that’s why it’s my word for 2024

Rad Reading – December

This month I read the book Diary Of A Wimpy Kid The Getaway by Jeff Kinney. This book is about Greg and his family going on a vacation for Christmas. His family is stressed out from their lives and are needing a getaway. They decide to go to tropical island Resort for their getaway. Greg faced many challenges at the resort such as, Handling a spider, fighting over money with other kids, and adjusting to the animals, and people. This proves to not be such a relaxing vacation for anyone in the family.

I liked this book because it is a fun family adventure. Greg’s family is no ordinary family. They have a hardworking mom and dad, manny, who is the youngest brother of the three, and snitches on Greg. Next we have Greg, a normal kid who is the middle child and likes to play video games. Finally we have Rodrick. Rodrick is the oldest and the most misbehaved, he has his own rock band and is always getting into trouble or annoying Greg. They try to get food but the surrounding wildlife makes it hard. Gregs dad brings the family to an outdoor restaurant and get surrounded by birds, the birds attack and get there food. Just one of the amazing adventures! With this family, on a stunning vacation, you will love Diary Of A Wimpy Kid The Getaway by Jeff Kinney.

My favorite character is Greg. Greg is the main character and the middle child of the family. He is my favorite character because he has perseverance. He likes video games like any other kid and has troubles with his brothers. Rodrick, his older brother, likes to trick him. Manny on the other hand is different. Manny is always ruining Greg’s plans and activities by doing unnecessary things, like finding his old blanket, or toy. This makes his mom tell the entire family to look for it. Throughout these struggles, Greg pushes through and preservers the faults of being the middle child.

My favorite quote of this book is “ this whould be a calming vacation for any other family, but not for mine.” I liked this quote because i like to take vacations with my aunts, uncles, and cousin, and there is always a lot going on. His vacation has problems like, losing there luggage, finding places to eat and running from the cops for stealing clothes in the wrong bag. This makes me think about my family’s small vacations and the problems that come along with them. The grown ups always take a long time to pack and get out on the river. Once where there someone looses a hat or flip flop and one time we even found a sunken car. Greg and i have a lot in common.