Principal For A Day

If I were principal for a day I would do many thing’s. First I would assign no homework under over 3 questions for the rest of the year. If they have unfinished classwork they would have that be homework I think this would be reasonable because homework is good practice and if we have unfinished classwork we would need to finish that so it would not be taken into the next day. Secondly I would add a pet day. For this pet day you would be able to bring your pet if friendly and they could hang out at recess and lunch. The day would consist of playing with your pets and meeting other animals. (Stuff like horses, pigs, or cows would not be allowed.) Third, I would add a gum month where gum is allowed every other week. Although if you would leave your gum anywhere you would get a detention. I like kickball so forth, I would add a once a month kickball game. Different classes would watch every month and any grade could face the teachers (Who would also swap out every month) so everybody can play if they want. Finally I would add a Diner Day. A diner day would be were everyone brings a food to eat and we would eat it for lunch. The meals would be things like rice crispy treats, Oreos, Mott’s gummies etc. but only 5-10 people would bring something and would swap off every month so there would not be to much food.

Rad Reading ~ November

This month I read the story called The Boy In The Striped Pajamas By John Boyne. It is a very interesting story about a boy named Bruno. Bruno, a german 9 year old in World War II is forced to leave his home and take on a new life, at this house called Aushwitz. Bruno is very curious about the people in the striped pajamas that live on the other side of the fence (The Jews) and has no idea what is happening. One day he decides to go out and adventure out to this fence where he meets this boy named Shmuel and finds out they are the same age. Bruno talks with Shmuel and they tell each other about their sides of the fence, and how Shmuel has a hard life. Brunos father is a commandant and works for the fury. Bruno doesn’t understand that he is supposed to not like Shmuel.

My favorite character is Bruno. Bruno is clueless about the situation. Bruno says on page 132, that “Or I could come over to you” Perhaps I could come and meet your friends. This shows how Bruno is clueless about how they are enemies and are supposed to hate each other, and shows how kids have more sympathy and empathy for other kids, even if there people are adversaries. This also proves how Bruno is desperate to play with other kids because he is so lonely at Aushwithz. He doesn’t realize how dangerous it is on the other side.

My favorite quote through the book is “I don’t know which one I’d prefer though yours or my fathers” on page 127. This quote was said by Bruno when he and Shmuel were showing each other their symbols. The Nazi flag and David’s star. I like this quote because it shows how Bruno does not realize that he and Shmuel are different and how they are supposed to be adversaries. He also does not know how offensive it is to his people to say that.

Why I chose this book you may ask? I liked this book because it is about history. I like historical books and especially about WWII. I like learning about different wars and the perspectives on each side and this book shows that. This book personalizes the struggle of the Jewish people for the reader. The novel shows the importance of having a strong character and being able to stand up and do the right thing when others may not agree with you.